Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Calming of a Storm

I slept straight through my alarm clock today. It was set to 6am. I woke briefly at 6, walked across to my desk, slammed it down, then jumped right back under my cosy covers.

Next moment, it was 9am. Soon, it was 9:30. Now I had Chinese class at 10am, and was due to present my speech at 10:30. Not only did I miss my planned morning practice that I really needed, I was seriously in risk of missing my speech! When I realised this, oh boy was I then awake. Started praying to God for some serious help.

Sprinted to my bus stop, and got there just in time for the scheduled bus, which came late. Had I missed that bus, I would have been seriously late, since I have to transfer - and I'm sure we all know how frequent and reliable the BCC busses are... Anyhoo, long story short, I got to UQ and ran like a highschooler to my classroom, and got there at 10:25pm. Perfect. And the awesome thing, presentations were behind schedule, so I got enough time to recover from huffing and puffing.

The speech went quite well I thought, and so I thank God for helping me through that. I also praise God for showing me again that He continues to provide, that even though I was seriously stressed about my lack of prep and the possibility of being late, He continues to calm all the storms that I face. All I need to do is to take my focus away from the storm, and just look up to trust God as He is there for me.

Another awesome thing is that this situation is just amazingly minute and tiny in comparison to our mighty God. Yet, it does not escape his attention, and He still cares for us :). How amazing is this grace?


  1. Yeah. Praise him in the storm.

  2. lol! you need a more annoying alarm! like those ones that explode into a puzzle when it goes off and you have to put the puzzle back together before it shuts up! :D
