Friday, April 24, 2009

The Provider

I was quite stressed out today! Coached chess in the early morning, then went to uni to do some cramming for an assignment that was due today, and then rushed to get home for more coaching.

That assignment did really take a long time to do but I did get it done (thanks to God). I started to panic (since the past few days), since there were concepts that I couldn't put my head around for days, how could I understand them in time? So the verses in Proverbs 3:5-6 and Phillipians 4:6-7 (see previous post) really helped me. I think I did (kinda) undertand those hard concepts in time, well in part, at least.

I was planning to leave uni around 2pm so I could comfortably get home in time for coaching (which starts at 3:15pm).

But as always, for me at least, assignments take much longer than expected. I actually left uni I think around 2:30pm and just managed to catch a bus that was about to leave - yes, all that jogging practice came to use! And oh, was I panicking. But thankfully, I got home at 3:15pm on the dot. Ahh, such provision. Had I been slightly slower (20 seconds!?) getting to the UQ bus stop I may have been heaps late to my coaching lesson.

But the thing is, I later realised that the mother of my student had decided to cancel the lesson today...haha, so I just didn't need to stress!

I've always seemed to have panicked about assignments. Although these issues are seriously tiny in comparison to mighty God who created this universe, I'm so grateful to see that He cares for me and faithfully provides for me every time in the past, and still continues to provide today.


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