Sunday, August 30, 2009

Again, God provides...assignment completed!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Aiyah, assignment due tomollow!

And again, stress is zooming in.

Look forward how God provides as I work hard at it. :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Look twice before you sit on a toilet seat!

Man's bottom glued to toilet seat at Cairns Central

PRANKSTERS glued an elderly man's bottom to a toilet seat in the public loos at a Cairns shopping centre, forcing him to sit tight during a highly embarrassing rescue.

The 70-year-old Cairns man was stuck so fast he had to be taken from the men’s toilets with the toilet seat still attached, in full view of a gathering crowd of curious Cairns Central.

He was taken by ambulance to Cairns Base Hospital where it is understood industrial-strength solvents were used to dissolve the glue, reports.

Police said it was the second case of a strong, fast-acting glue being smeared on a seat in the same men’s toilets that day, although in the earlier incident the man had been able to get up before the glue set.

A Queensland Ambulance Service spokesman yesterday said the elderly man, who did not want to be identified, was "pretty distressed about the whole thing".

Cairns Police District’s Supt Brent Carter said he was "ropeable" about Saturday's prank and appealed for public help to identify the culprit.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Had fun playing 3.5 hrs of baddy today. :D

That's my exercise for this week. :D

Friday, August 14, 2009


After listening to Driscoll's talk on humility at UF, I feel so very convicted and challenged. I'm humbled to know that I am filled with so much pride. But praise God for His grace that will continually transform us to be like Christ. :D

An interesting point I picked up was: God's calling and God's timing are different in the sense that, God may have called one for ___, but the present time it may not be His timing.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Where does my help come from?

The Psalmist in Psalm 121 says:

I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let ur foot slip - he who watches over u will not slumber...
...The Lord watches over you - the Lord is ur shade at ur right hand...
...The Lord will keep u from all harm - he will watch over ur life;
the Lord will watch over ur coming and going
both now and forevermore.

Recently, I've been going through some stressful issues. Often I try to tackle my problems with my own ability - for example, by rationalising things and solving them with my own strength, without seeking God. Very quickly do I realise that it's foolish to merely solve things on my own, it just does not work!

I'm reminded by this Psalm to seek God and focus on Him especially in this time of need. Just speaking on my present experience, when I entrust to Him my problems and trust that He will take care of them, I see how small these problems are in comparison to our BIG God; and see how mighty He is. I wonder sometimes, why, I don't just go to God when hardship comes. Because I know if I do, I will be peaced out, knowing that God is in full control.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Blessings - count them la!

A few days ago, I had a chat with two international Iraqi students. They've been here for 5 months, and are here to improve their already fairly good English.

They shared about their frustration of feeling segregated in this country. Despite their thirst and deep longing (I've never met anyone who are so desperate to know English than those two before!) to practice English with the people here, they simply cannot, since they do not have any non-Iraqi friends. They suggested it might be the result of the media portraying a negative light on the Middle Eastern people.

During the convo, I reflected on my attitude to people of different cultural backgrounds. Quite shamefully, I realise that often, perhaps because of my pride, I am usually unwillinging to step out of my comfort zone to reach out to people of different backgrounds, or just anyone who I consider as strangers.

But, how does God treat people of different age, backgrounds, languages etc? I find it amazing, and remarkable that Jesus came into the world to die for the stuff-ups of everyone, not just for the Israelites, but for everyone. Everyone!

The Iraqi students deep longing to know English (I can't emphasise their thirst to know English in words!) taught me that having the privilege to know English is such an amazing blessing in itself! In the past, I have always taken the English language for granted, never before seeing it as a blessing.

And to be able to use this language to teach others is just another blessing... Our God is such a great God who pours His blessings abundantly.